Finding Unity in Baseball

By: Briana Ferreyra

2020 can be distinguished as a year of separation and isolation in both a physical and spiritual sense. With so much commotion going on in the world, now more than ever does our nation need something that can unite people from all different backgrounds and creeds. Baseball can be the very instrument that can bring us together in harmony during a time where it is so desperately needed.

World War I-

By the start of the first World War, baseball had already been seamlessly ingrained into the patchwork of American society. With the U.S troops facing nothing but devastation and brutal trench warfare, morale amongst those fighting was very low. In an attempt to provide some relief and positivity, the game of baseball was brought to the bereaved soldiers. 77 baseball diamonds were created by the American Military in France and numerous games were played daily, ushering in and providing them with some type of joy. With manufacturers working in overdrive back in the states, baseball players were recruited to work and play on company baseball teams. These games were well attended and gave a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of mass producing supplies for the war. Whether it was overseas or on the homefront, baseball encouraged unity and created a sense of community. The years spent in wartime were characterized by a deep sense of melancholy, but baseball became a pastime everyone could look to for some sense of hope, society, and normalcy.

World War II-

Catastrophic and resulting in deep despair, the years encompassing World War II were some of the worst the world has ever seen. With many soldiers fighting in Europe and the strong war effort encompassing the lives of Americans, spirits across the nation were low. People were working harder than ever and President Franklin D. Roosevelt strongly felt that the nation deserved an opportunity to take their minds off of the prevailing tragedy. In the famous “Green Light Letter,” President Roosevelet addressed the need for baseball to continue during the war in order to fit this ideal beacon of hope. Although numerous prominent names in the game were drafted including Joe Dimaggio, Yogi Berra, Pee Wee Reese, and Ted Williams, the sport became more popular than ever with people looking to the sport for some sort of relief. It gave the American people a much needed escape and something to look forward to after a long day of supporting the troops overseas.

The historic Cubs 2016 World Series Win-

Chicago is famously home to two MLB teams: the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sox. Where one resides in the city usually determines which team they will declare their loyalty to; the north belongs to the Cubs while the south takes the Sox. The rivalry can at times be fierce, however, that contentious spirit was pushed aside and almost forgotten once the Cubs became the 2016 World Series Champs. With so much excitement engulfing the city after a win 108 years in the making, it was almost impossible to not put differences aside and rejoice. The reaction outside of Wrigley Field is a sight instilled into every baseball fan’s mind. Strangers coming together, enveloping each other in hugs, and celebrating an amazing feat. Not to mention the end of a supposed ‘curse’. Unifying two rivals, baseball truly turned this passionate city’s competitiveness into a strong sense of community.

2020 is a year for the books, and not in a good way. With so much unrest and dismay, baseball can serve a purpose that goes way beyond a simple pastime. It can provide people with some semblance of normalcy, and would give people something to look forward to. With one common goal, it can unify communities, and generate endless positivity.

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