Puig, Everyone’s Friend

Wasn’t it just a couple weeks ago that rumors surfaced regarding a deal between the Giants and our friend, Yasiel Puig? Well, those were quickly put to rest when interest started to grow in Baltimore, where the Orioles could use Puig’s right-handed bat and right field arm to replace Trey Mancini’s production who is battlingContinue reading “Puig, Everyone’s Friend”

How the Cubs Changed my Career: Persistence leading to Victory

By Alyssa Trudniak As a girl who played softball all her life, and growing up watching the Chicago Cubs, I’ve learned that failure is never easy, but success is a blessing. My softball story was similar to the Chicago Cubs. I haven’t lived 108 years, I was doubted, and my teams were never the greatest.Continue reading “How the Cubs Changed my Career: Persistence leading to Victory”

Finding Unity in Baseball

By: Briana Ferreyra 2020 can be distinguished as a year of separation and isolation in both a physical and spiritual sense. With so much commotion going on in the world, now more than ever does our nation need something that can unite people from all different backgrounds and creeds. Baseball can be the very instrumentContinue reading “Finding Unity in Baseball”

Women Belong At Home (And First And Second And Third)

By Tavi Women are everywhere in Major League Baseball.  For over a century, women have been owners or partial owners of both minor and major league teams.  Ever since 1977, when journalist Melissa Ludtke sued the MLB for denying access to the Yankees clubhouse because of gender, women have been making great strides in baseball reporting.  The mostContinue reading “Women Belong At Home (And First And Second And Third)”

2013 NL Wild Card Game

By Anna Milyak Seeing over 40,000 Pirate fans walking across the Clemente bridge onto Federal Street, already screaming and full of excitement was insane. The city came to life that night, adrenaline was rushing through fans both at PNC Park and at home.  Standing room only tickets were exceeding $200, just to be part ofContinue reading “2013 NL Wild Card Game”

PED’s in Baseball: Should They Be Legal?

It’s September 1998. Mark McGwire has just hit his 70th home run. Cardinals fans erupt as the home run race reaches its peak and writers around the league pose the question, “Is the ball juiced?”  In a July 1998 column in the Detroit Free Press, columnist Gene Guidi wrote, “If the balls are indeed beingContinue reading “PED’s in Baseball: Should They Be Legal?”

Touching Home with Cara Martinell

Cara Martinell is Los Angeles Dodgers catcher, Will Smith’s fiancé. Cara was a third grade teacher for 3 years. Will and Cara got engaged during the 2019 off-season and they share an adorable pup together named Pip. Fun Facts about Cara She graduated with her teaching degree from University of Louisville. Cara was a firstContinue reading “Touching Home with Cara Martinell”

Manfred vs Baseball

The last MLB game was exactly 231 days ago when the Washington Nationals beat the Houston Astros and were crowned the 2019 World Series Champions. Fans everywhere thought that it would be a short off season like years pass, even MLB executives though the same… that was until the Coronavirus rocked the world. Fans, reporters,Continue reading “Manfred vs Baseball”

Picture Perfect PNC Park

By: Kayla Troutman Everyone knows that PNC Park is one of–if not the most–beautiful ballpark in Major League Baseball. There are numerous places in PNC Park that have the most perfect backdrop for any photo! Here is a list of some of my favorite places to take a pic with at PNC Park: Third BaseContinue reading “Picture Perfect PNC Park”

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