Touching Home with Melissa Nelson

Melissa Nelson is Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Jimmy Nelson’s wife

Five Fun Facts about Melissa

  • She is a twin and has twin girls Riley and Naomi
  • She majored in Aerospace engineering
  • She is an army brat
  • Jimmy and Melissa went to the same college but didn’t meet there
  • She has a blog called My Crew of Two (

How did you and Jimmy meet? 

We met when Jimmy was in AA. He was playing for the Brewers in Alabama and I was working there after college. We have some mutual friends and they introduced us. 

What is your favorite baseball memory?

 Jimmy threw a complete game on fathers day 2017. That was the most exciting memory I have of Jimmy pitching. 

How are you keeping busy during the baseball “break”?

We keep busy with our twin girls Naomi and Riley. We have been going on walks, grilling a lot outside, we have a dog we take on walks. We started watching Netflix. We just finished watching Ozark. 

On yourblog, you documented your pregnancy with the twins and the complications with that. How did you handle being pregnant while Jimmy was gone?

 A lot of baseball families wait to have babies until the offseason. Jimmy and I decided we did not want to wait.

January and February we started having some complications. The girls has Twin to Twin transfusion syndrome. I had a procedure that luckily Jimmy was able to be there with me for and my 3 day hospital stay. I was not able to travel to Arizona for spring training. Jimmy was also on the IL at the time so, his rehab starts were in San Antonio which was 3 hours from our house. The Brewers were really amazing and let Jimmy be home with me between his starts.

Once the girls were born, they were in the NICU. I was doing the daily visits alone while he was working for about a month. Once the girls came home, we kept them home for a month until traveling to go be with Jimmy. 

What is your game day routine? 

On days that Jimmy starts we usually go out to breakfast. I let him chill out and relax to get in the mindset to pitch.

I will go early on days that he’s starting. I will chill out in stands and wait. I have been super anxious watching him because he prepares and practices. Whatever happens, happens. I really enjoy watching him pitch. If I do get nervous, I’ll usually grab a beer after he is done pitching.

From talking with Melissa, you can hear the pride and love she has for Jimmy and her twin girls. They have definitely had their share of ups and downs, but they have come out stronger because of it. This season, they will be with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Make sure to check out Melissa’s blog to keep up with the Nelson family. 

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