Touching Home with Shayne Newman

Shayne Newman is Pittsburgh Pirates player Kevin Newman’s wife. Kevin is not the only athlete in the family as Shayne trained at a full time tennis academy when she was 10 years old until she was 18. Shayne then played tennis at the University of Arizona where she met Kevin.

Five fun facts about Shayne

  • I played tennis at the University of Arizona
  • I am originally from Oak Park, CA
  • I trained at a full time tennis academy in Ojai, CA from 10 years old to 18 years old. 
  • Instead of going to a public school I did independent study from 6th to 11th grade so I could travel around the country competing in tennis tournaments.
  • I am obsessed with all animals. 

How did you and Kevin meet? 

Kevin and I met our freshman year at the University of Arizona where he played baseball and I played tennis. We were both attending a Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) meeting the first week of college. 

Debut Day. Take me through the emotions of that day and the emotions leading up to it.

Kevin was in Lehigh Valley, and I was visiting my family in Los Angeles. I was walking to dinner with my best friend and he immediately called me after his game. I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say being that he never calls while he is still in the locker room. He said, “We did it Love! I got called up!” At that moment I immediately called my parents and we got on a red eye that night to Pittsburgh.

On his debut day, emotions were so high! We had immediate family, Kevin’s agent and his wife, and Kev’s best friend fly in. I specifically remember his first walk to the stadium from the hotel and feeling so proud of him, his life long dream was becoming reality.

Once Kev left for the field, my sister-in-law and I went and got Pirates jerseys made with Kevin’s debut number and we started getting ready for his first batting practice! All of us met up at the hotel before heading to the field, and I remember feeling jitters on the walk over.

Once we got on the field, it was so surreal seeing him hit batting practice with the team and I’ll never forget the smile on his face.

That night he was put in to pinch run, and didn’t end up starting at short stop until a couple days later. Kevin’s major league debut is a moment I will never forget and I am so blessed to have been able to be a part of it! 

What is your game day routine? 

A typical game day routine for us usually starts with waking up around 10am, being that we usually don’t get home from the field until 11:30pm. Once we wake up we cook breakfast and get a walk in with our dog Kali before Kevin has to head to the field.

Once Kevin leaves, I usually get a workout in and tend to any emails or needs of our properties. Kevin and I own an investment company where buy, design, and rent properties. We currently own properties in Bradenton, Scottsdale, Pittsburgh, and one being built in Nashville.

Once I finish that, I usually head to PNC Park to watch the game! When the game finishes, Kevin and I head home and usually watch a show together and then end up going to bed around 12:30 or 1:00! 

Shayne and Kali

Favorite baseball memory? 

One of my favorite baseball memories was actually in Triple A when Kevin was playing for the Indianapolis Indians. He and his teammate Jacob Stallings hit for the cycle on the same night. I was sitting next one of my very close friends and wife of Jacob, Amy Beth Stallings. I remember Kevin’s last at bat, he hit a home run to complete the cycle and shorty after Jacob tripled to complete the cycle again! Amy Beth and I were jumping up and down cheering, as our boys had just made history! 

How are you keeping busy during this baseball “break”? 

During the break Kevin and I continue to tend to our properties as much as we can. We also have been playing A LOT of golf and Monopoly Deal. I really enjoy cooking, so I have been learning a lot of new recipes through a cook book I recently bought as well. 

Favorite stadium and stadium snack 

I have to say my favorite stadium is Wrigley Field. I don’t eat ballpark food very often, but when I do they are usually the “Crab Fries” from PNC Park. 

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